Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Musings

Happy Sunday everyone, and a happy one it is over here. I have nothing I have to do all day today...I havent had a day like this in so long! Although my sister will be moving back home tomorrow (she graduates from hair school tomorrow, so proud of her!) so I have to move out all my crap that has migrated its way into her room since Michael has moved in. I want her to feel like she has a place here and that she is being welcomed home, I am so excited to have her back!!!

School is going well...I had a hugemungo test on Monday and got a 98, yippie!! (I earned that 98, I studied my flippin butt off!). I also had a huge paper that was due last Wednesday in the midst of studying for the exam...I managed to get it done, all 86 pages of the darn thing! I better get a good grade on that, it was hard work!

In better news, my birthday is coming up this week (Wednesday!). Too bad I have to spend it in a 13 hour clinical day :o( I think we are going out to dinner afterwards with my parents, sister, 'brothers' and my aunt and possibly my cousins. My michael has to work so I wont be seeing him, total bummer, plus I work the next day, so who knows when we will celebrate but thats ok. Its so funny how the dynamics of birthdays change from when your little to when your older. I could care less about gifts, its more about just spending time with people and having fun, and even if that doesnt happen, no big deal, i still turn a year older ya know? This year I will be 25...25 is a good year for me...I will finally be a nurse, a wife, a resident in another state, and a homeowner. Wow, thats a lot! We are planning on 26 being a year thats just as exciting! ;o)

Someone sent me this little video clip, and I just think its the funniest thing ever. You have to watch the whole thing, this dog is so smart!! Enjoy!

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