Monday, April 02, 2007


Ok so I am horrible at updating this blog, but I think its a trend for most bloggers so I dont feel so bad. Nothing super exciting in my neck of the woods...just a few random tidbits/updates/boring info about my life :o)

*spring break this week, yippie!! Although it really isnt a spring break at all. I am working 4 of the days, and in clinical on Friday and Saturday, and Sunday I am spending studying for an exam on Monday, fun.

*Got to see Erin and Abby on Saturday night for a little girls get together, laughed too hard and ate too much, always a good thing!!

*Going to AZ in April for Erins wedding and going to put the money down on our house...I am beside myself I am so excited!

*Summer starts in May and I cant wait...I so am needing a break right now!

*hopefully starting a new job this week or next, I am stoked because we are in money saving mode big time around here

*Doing my Psych rotation in nursing school right now...pretty crazy. Literally.

*thats all folks.

Told you it was boring!

Happy Monday Everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boring :P