Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I just like to smile, smilings my favorite

Ok if you have never seen the movie Elf, you should be shot. I just love that movie, and I think I quote it at least once a day!!

So basically there is like less than 2 weeks left until Christmas, and the list just keeps on growing. I work today and tomorrow, and Thursday is a girls day out that I am super excited about and could care less about working on my "to-do" list, and then I have clinical Friday and Saturday, and a final on Monday that I will be studying for. That leaves me less than a week to do all my shopping, gotta love waiting til the last minute!

We picked up our Christmas Cards last night at Costco, I would post it but some people that read this will be getting one in the mail and I dont want to spoil it, it came out super cute!!

My poor little Nathan (the little guy I babysit for) had surgery yesterday and has his arm in a full cast, he had a ganglion cyst on his wrist and so they removed it, hes only 14 months old, so babysitting him today should be interesting to say the least!

I had the healthiest breakfast today...chocolate truffles from Costco, they are soooo good!! You get 2 huge boxes for like $10 or something, and they are really really yummy!

I know you all want to run out and buy this lovely holiday sweater, so sorry to break the bad news, but I won it on ebay and will not be selling it as it is so beautiful. This is the sweater I am wearing this weekend to the bad sweater party, what do you think???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO alex!! love the sweater. sad i can't have one just like it! ;) just wanted to say hello & hope you have a GREAT weekend!