Friday, November 03, 2006

WHY on earth did I choose NURSING?!?!

I swear to God...days like today make me wonder why I chose such a fast-paced, crazy career like nursing. I had the worlds WORST day in clinical...I cant even begin to explain it...everything was behind starting from when I got there, I have an instructor that is on my butt about every single thing that I do (which is fine, its what shes there for, but it was my first flippin day back in an adult-care setting, give me a break lady!!)...had 2 patients who had tons and tons of meds, not to mention every health problem/ailment you could imagine...I dont know how I made it through the day, I got home at 8pm, and have to be out of my house tomorrow morning at 6...this is going to be a loooooong weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kat said...

hate days like those. but nursing is an awesome career, and i'm sure most days you remember why you chose it ;)

um, and yeah- you may not be sure about the melting pot, but i think i want to go! that looks and sounds sooooooooooooooo good!!!!