Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why oh why...

Does Starbucks have to have the yummiest drinks this time of year? I cant get enough, its horrible. Thankfully it doesnt rain or snow too often in California, otherwise I would be drinking these bad boys every single day. Pumpkin latte= LOVE.

So today I got in touch with someone I have been trying to get in touch with FOREVER. She was my best friend in Jr. High and High School, and we lost touch when she turned to drugs and a life of bad stuff...but I have always thought about her, every day almost, and she found me on myspace of all places. I know that website has a bad rap, but ya know, I have re-connected with so many friends because of it, and I will be forever greatful to Tom. We talked for an hour today, and it was the best feeling ever, I love re-connecting with people that were such a big part of your life. Its just such a great feeling to catch up with an old friend, she was more than a friend, she was a best friend at one point, almost like a sister, I know her entire family, she knows mine, we spent so much time together for years. I am hopefully going to visit her and her new baby, Ryan, in November. She just had Ryan on September 1st, and I cant wait to meet him. I am so thankful that she has turned her life around, and I am even more thankful that she was just as happy as I was to get back in touch. Makes me happy inside.

Not much exciting here, scrapping with Michelle tomorrow, thats always fun, love girl gossip/fun time, its the best. Last weekend at Childrens Hospital this weekend, happy to be done, but sad to leave, I love that place.

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