Tuesday, October 31, 2006

2 years ago today...

This picture was taken. (I know you all just LOVE my costume, lol)

Its mine and Michaels 2 year dating anniversary today...its so crazy how fast time flies!! We are celebrating on Thursday since we are both working all day today (and he works all night so I will barely see him!), we are going out for a romantic dinner at a fondue restaraunt, I cant wait!! Yum!
Seriously, Michael has changed my life in so many ways it blows me away. He has taught me so much, and I will be thankful for him every day of my life. He has taught me to be thankful, he has taught me how to laugh at times when I didnt think anything was funny, he has taught me how to make the most of every day because you dont know what tomorrow holds, he has taught me to love more than I ever thought I possibly could, and most of all he has taught me to be patient because all things will happen when they are meant to happen...I am the most blessed girl in the world to have a man so wonderful in my life, and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kat said...

yay! congrats on 2 years- sounds like he's an awesome guy!