Sunday, September 24, 2006

I used to love Sundays

Now, not so much.

My Sundays used to consist of lounging around with Michael since it was our only day off together, watching our favorite show, Desperate Housewives (which premiers tonight), cooking dinner together, etc, I am cramming for an exam that I have the following day, pulling my hair out because my instructor doesnt TEACH us crap, and stressing. I cant wait for Sunday to go back to the way it used to be. I graduate in December 2007, but technically we only have 11 more months of SCHOOL (summer and breaks excluded), which is sooo awesome. I cant flippin wait. I love school, dont get my wrong, but I loved my LIFE too.

Fun for the day yesterday: going home from Childrens Hospital in LA after being there for 13 hours, I got on the 101 going the WRONG way for 20 miles. Who does that, really? I think I am losing brain cells!

Off to study. gross.


Anonymous said...

uh yeah, i do. but i did it on a train. that sucked......
good luck with your exam!!!!

Anonymous said...

oops- forgot to say it was me, kat :)