Friday, January 13, 2006

I've lost 7 pounds

yay! That is a pretty big accomplishment for me, seeing that I have been SO stressed out with nursing school stuff. I think most of it was just my body getting rid of all the junk I ate over the holidays, which is a good thing, because I am feeling so much better. I have IBS, and you would think I would have learned my lesson from all of the horrible stomach aches and trips to the Dr, but no, I still eat things that irritate it, so when I am eating better, my stomach thanks me, big time!!! Water also helps me with it, I just need to remember to drink more of it. This morning I went to spin class, omg it kicked my a$$!!! its such a great work out in a short amount of time though, I love it!

I have been really really concerned about my boyfriend lately...he really really needs to lose some weight. His dad was a diabetic, so he is pre-disposed to it already, and he eats like CRAP!!! He is a big candy eater, and probably eats about 500 calories in candy alone, every day!! I feel bad, because I dont want him to feel like I am wanting him to lose weight for superficial reasons, but I am honestly concerned about his health and well being. I know he is unhappy being overweight, but I think that hes just comfortable like that. He joined the gym with me last year, but never went, so I told him to cancel it rather than keeping it just because he feels bad, it was a waste of money. We are going on a cruise in May, so maybe that can be incentive for him to get moving and stop eating so much candy. I am just worried about his long term health, I want him to be around for our kids and most importantly, for ME!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Congrats on the 7 pounds lost. I agree most men get comfortable in their own skin that unless they have a medical emergency will they then try to lose weight.