Friday, April 27, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day!

So Michael and I are leaving for Arizona tonight after I finish with clinical to :::hopefully::: put the money down to start the build for our new house!! I say hopefully because we want to take a good look at all the models again to make sure we are making the right decision, and then we also need to take a really good look at the lots that are available and pick the one that works best for us. The model that we are most likely going with (the largest one) has a lot open right now on a greenbelt (so rather than facing other houses it overlooks this grassy park like area, which would be so nice because there isnt much green in arizona, especially in summer!) and we really love the idea of the greenbelt, plus this lot is about 20 feet away from a 'tot lot' which is an area for kids to play and I think it will be great for when we have kids in the next couple of years. It is all so sureal to me, that we are going to have our own home, be living together, be married in a little over a year, I will be an RN...this year is going to fly by it seems!! I am just so thankful to have Michael in my life and so blessed that we have this opportunity!! (even if it does mean moving away from the beach!).

Erins WEDDING is tomorrow, yippie!!!!!! This wedding is going to be a blast...her family is a crack up and I am so excited for her.

School is stupid right now. Thats the only word I can use. I have never seen such disorganization and lack of communication, EVER! I cant wait for the summer to get here, and more importantly for December to get here so I can graduate and be done!

Hope everyone has a rockin weekend planned!! I will update with pics and the house info when I get back!

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