Friday, December 08, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree

Where the heck are you??? Its almost Christmas and we dont have a tree yet, my parents need to get the ball rolling around here!!! We have been super busy with work, school, my dad got in a car accident (hes totally fine) and totalled his truck, and then the next day he took the spare car and broke that too! Hopefully decorations will be up this weekend, I cant wait to have my own house to decorate, I LOVE the Holidays!!!!!!!!!

My favorite part...The family bad christmas sweater party, its next weekend and I am soooo excited!! This is the first year we are doing this, but I think its going to be an anual thing, I cant wait!! I just bid on the most hideous sweater on e bay, so cross your fingers for me that I win!!!

TWO weeks left of school this semester, I cant wait!!!!!!! I have a 3 week break that I am super excited about, the week after Christmas we are heading to Arizona and I get to hang out with Michaels parents, and also see Erins house and hang out with my girl Shanna who will be a NEWLYWED!! shes getting married next Saturday and I am so happy for her!! (check our her blog, ) And then I might be going to Vegas for a few days to visit with my girlfriend Krista who just had a baby in October, hes so cute, check him out. How cute is that outfit?!?! He looks just like her, I cant wait to meet him finally.

I have no Christmas shopping done, seriously, none. I am so behind its not even funny, and I have no time!!! ahhhhhhhh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're making me blush Alex! Can't wait to see you again!!! YAY!!!