Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Feeling down tonight

Not really sure why, just am I guess. I think its the baby bug biting me again. I swear, something is in the water, EVERYONE I know is pregnant right now, its insane. I dont know if its the new trend, or what, but I am so envious of everyone. So sad that it cant be ME, even though I know I will be there someday. I try to be happy for everyone, but sometimes its so hard because this evil part of my personality is like overflowing with jealousy. Its horrible, I know, but I cant help it, its the way I feel. It sucks to do things the "right way," to go to school, get married, buy a house, and then have kids. Cant we just skip to the kids part?? I just cannot wait to be a mother, and although I am enjoying my time now with just me and Michael, we both want children more than anything. I am crossing my fingers that we will plan on getting pregnant on our honeymoon, that is what we want as of now anyway. 2008 seems soooo far away!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like me I could not wait to have children. It is the most amazing experience you will ever have in your life. Dont rush it though your life will be VERY different and Im sure many people tell you that but its never more a reality then when the baby gets here. You will be a wonderful mother and although I dont konw your fiance, if you picked him he must be a special guy :) Take care and PLEASE finish school you will not regret it. I regret that I didnt do it before I got married now, its just too difficult.