Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Baby its cold outside

Ok, so its really not THAT cold, but cold enough to curl up with a warm blankie and drink hot chocolate. I guess I cant complain, Christmas in California is pretty darn nice compared to other places.

So I created this blog THREE months ago and am just barely making my second post, how PATHETIC am I?? I am vowing to myself to start blogging more regularly, for my own sanity. Sometimes there are just times that I need to get things off my chest, so what a perfect place. My blog is nothing fancy or special like everyone elses (especially SHANNAS! but thats ok, maybe I can learn as I go.

I have been so busy lately, and its only going to get worse! I am starting nursing school in January (the 9th to be exact), and even though I am MORE than thrilled to finally be starting after 2 years of undergrad classes and a year and a half on the waiting list, I just know that its going to be pretty stressful. I am enjoying my free time now, even though it doesnt feel very "free." Me and Michael decided to make goodie packages for his family back east since we dont see them very often (ok so it was my decision to make the packages, but he went along with it). So this sunday, we have to make everything to go inside of them, heres the list so far (I'm sure it will change between now and then, lol):

Banana nut bread
Pumpkin bread
Chocolate chip cookies
pumpkin cookies
holiday chip shortbread cookies
peppermint bark
spiced walnuts
gingerbread men

Not too bad, especially since three of the doughs I made ahead of time and froze, so hopefully those come out ok and that saves us some time.

Thats all for now

Oh yea, thats the picture me and Michael chose for our cards, dorky, but cute

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